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Plan your visit to the
Cayman Collections Centre
Open Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm (Closed on Saturdays & Sundays)

The Cayman Collections Centre is an enlightening experience designed to foster a deeper sense of identity, unity, belonging and connection to our Caymanian heritage. Presently, visitors can expect to see catboats, a hand-dug out canoe, paintings and other items that reflect Cayman’s diverse history.
857-891 North West Point Road, West Bay, Grand Cayman
The museum's entrance is located in the front of the building, through the Gift Shop.
CI $5/ US $6.25 - Children (6-12 Years)
CI $10/ US $12.50 - Adults,
CI $8/ US $10 - Seniors (60 & Older)
CI $1 - Local Students
CI $5 - Tertiary Students
(345) 947-7741

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